1) It's created by the ghost appearing and reappearing, and them trying to figure out why they ghost is there and what he is trying to tell them, and that the ghost wont talk and is dressed in armour, the reader wants to keep reading because they also want to know why they ghost is there.
2) We find out the ghost is the dead king and get the story about him and his battle with Fortinbras, and that the ghost is dressed in armour which makes them think they will go to battle, and the ghost will also not talk to them.
3) The scene leaves off with them going to tell Hamlet about the ghost making the reader want to meet Hamlet. They also discover that the ghost will not talk to them no matter what they do, and they try to figure out why the ghost is there.
4) The mood is confusion or uncertainty, they guard don't know if the ghost is actually real or if they saw it, then they see the ghost is dressed in armour and try to figure out what that means, they are unsure through out the scene.
5) The ghost is their king and he is dressed in armour so the assume it means they will have to go to war. They are also confused because the ghost keeps appearing and disappearing.
6)He thinks the king comes back to warn them, young Fotinbras wants revenge on the land they lost.
7) Barnado, Francisco, Horatio, Hamlet's ghost, and Marcellus.
8) He says that there is a battle between King Hamlet and King Fortinbras and they are enemies.
9) He is the son of old Fortinbras and is in the same situation as Hamlet.
10) He says that the ghost is something to worry about because before Julius Cesar died ghost started flying around talking gibberish, and there were threatening sign from the sun and the moon's eclipse, they are also seeing signs like that so the should be worried.
11) Horatio is a scholar and he also believes the ghost is not real, but Marcellus and Barnardo believes the ghost is real.
12) He is present because he is a scholar and they think only someone smart can talk to a ghost.
13) We fin out that the feud between old King Hamlet and Fortinbras represents a feud between Denmark and Norway.
Good answers: 13/13.