Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hamlet words #2

Billy’s statement seemed paradox, but in time it was true.

The Sovereign King made the peasants shine his shoes.

The commission told her class to clean the gym

The Resolution was to go to the park at noon just before it was suppose to rain.

Putting the frog in is sisters chair was malefaction.

Nothing was as beautiful as the firmament at night.

The science teacher gave a tedious speech about the earth and everyone fell asleep.

Kim drank the pestilent juice and died instantly.

The Pious boy read the bible every night.

The rocks created a huge promontory for the waves as the crashed into them.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hamlet 2.2

1.) Claudius sent for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
2.) He has sent on them to spy on Hamlet
3.) Voltimand and Cornelius bring back news that the king of Norway found out what Fortinbras was doing and told him not to attack Denmark
4.) Norway asks for permission to pass through Denmark on their march to Poland
5.) He’s telling them to listen to him though he rarely listens to himself
6.) Polonius’s plan is for him and Claudius to hid behind an arras when Hamlet is with Ophelia and see if he is really in love with Ophelia
7.) Hamlet calls Polonius a fishmonger or a pimp because Polonius uses his daughter to get further in life
8.) Polonius says that madness gets the point across while sanity would not as well
9.) To Hamlet Denmark is corrupt
10.) He tells them that he has now realized people are nothing more than dust
11.) The players are traveling now because a younger crew has become more popular in the cities so they are traveling to find work
12.) He lets them know that he knows what’s going on and knows the purpose that the king and queen have sent from them
13.) It is an allusion to Jephthah in the bible who sacrifies his daughter out of selfishness, trying to get a higher ranking
14.) Like Pyrrhus we wants to avenge his fathers death. Hamlet is unlike Pyrrhus because of the way they are going about getting their revenge is different. And Pyrrhus is actually in a war while Hamlet is not yet.
15.) Hamlet asks the players if they can perform the Murder of Gonzago and if he can write a couple lines that could be added to the play
16.) He exclaims this because the actor can cry and feel sorry for a made up character when Hamlet just feels empty inside
17.) His plan is that by adding in these lines to the play it with break his uncle down causing him to confess about old king hamlet
18.) One, Hamlet wants to know whether or not the ghost is the devil and two he needs this evidence so people will believe him
19.) Polonius spies on Ophelia and Hamlet, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern spy on Hamlet
20.) Hamlet is rude and sad but gets excited for plays. He is clever and some how seems to know everything that is going on.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Notes for 2.2

Lines 1-26, the King and Queen ask Rosencrantz and Guildentstern to talk to Hamlet and figure out why Hamlet is sad. Represents the Motif of spying.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern-childhood friends

Lines 27-30, Motif of Prostitution

Either the Queen and King really care about Hamlet or they are selling his childhood memories to better themselves.Motif-prostitution

Polack- Poland king

Lines 60-77, Norway didn't know what fortinbras was doing so they stopped him and forbid him from attacking, and if he doesn't attack they will pay him 3,00 crowns in annual fee.

line 92 "i will be brief" Polonius is trying to act intelligent. line 94 "What is't but to be nothing else but mad?"- Ophelia is upset with him

Lines 97-104, Polonius thinks Hamlet is upset because he is in love with Ophelia and she is rejecting him and is driving him mad.

Hamlet's letter- His maddness could be love, maybe he wrote the letter knowing Polonius would read it.

line 127- "all Given" probably took the letter from Ophelia

line 127- "all given to mine ear" motif-ear

Polonius has the idea to have Hamlet and Ophelia meet and hide behind a curtain and see how they really feel.-Motif of spying

Polonius says he will go talk to Hamlet and ask him Questions to try to get out of him what is really wrong. Motif-Spying

Fishmonger- slang for pimp also represents the motif of prostitution.

Hamlet is the sun, and the sun brings out good and bad things.

Ophelia is the dead dog, line 181

"yet he knew me not at first, a said i was a fishmonger. Ais far gone. And truly in my youth i siffered much extermity for love, very near this. I'll speak to him again."- Hamlet is crazy.

lines 192-193 Polonius is trying to be sneeky and try to get out of Hamlet what is wrong with him.

"except my life, expect my life, except my life." Hamlet wants polonius to leave


lines 245-247 Its the way you want to see it, Hamlet sees Denmark as bad and his friends don't.

Bad dreams- Hamlet has been dreaming about his dad's ghost

Shadow of a common man makes heroes, they are kings and Queens.

Hamlet knows his friends are there to spy on him so he confronts them.

There are so many good things about man kind and humans, but to hamlet they are just dust.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Hamlet 2.1

1) He is sending him to Paris to spy on Laertes.

2) He wants him to spy on Laertes in Paris and find out what he is doing there, and doesn't want him to embarres the family name.

3) He is suppose to go around asking about Laertes and once he finds someone who knows him he is going to make up lies about what he has been doing and see if they are true.

4) Polonius is selfish and only cares about himself and his name then he does other people, he also doesn't trust Laertes.

5) Polonius's rambling is making Reynaldo not really want to go around saying lies about Laertes because it would be dishonouring him, but he will listen to Polonius and do what he asks.

6) She says that he looks old and warn out, his clothes are dirty, his skin is very pale,and she says he looks like he has if he has been loosed out of hell.

7) He thinks that Hamlet has gone mad because Ophelia rejected him and he is in love with her.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hamlet 1.3-1.4

1) Laertes was warning Ophelia to stay away from Hamlet because he is royal and can't really choose who he loves, but if he ever not royal and stills loves you then it is true love. He doesn't want Ophelia to get hurt by Hamlet so his advice is to stay away from him.

2)They are comparing Ophelia to a flower, and the canker galls as worms. Worms can destroy flowers before they even bloom relating to the decay of garden.

3) she says she will protect her heart and will take his advice, but tells him not to be a hypocrite because she knows what he does when he goes to France.

4) Do not speak your thoughts and don't be quick to act on them, don't be vulgar, don't dress to fancy, be nice to people but not to nice, once you find friends that you trust hold on to them, don't pick fights, listen to people but don't talk a lot.

5) That Ophelia is a foolish little baby for believing Hamlets offers are something real. He also says to give her self more respect and that if she is with Hamlet he will be a laughing-stock, he is thinking more about himself then her.

6) "when the blood burns, how prodigal the should lends the tongue vows. These blazes daughter giving more light then heat, extinct in both even in their promise as it is a making." He is saying that when he is on fire he will keep saying things he doesn't really mean and that when his heart is on fire it gives out more light then heat and the fire will be out before he is done with his promises. A heart can't be on fire and him living and making all these promises.

7) He commands her to not be with Hamlet or even see him.

8) He is saying that it's his heritage to drink and he should be drinking but doesn't want to because that's all people know them for. They are known for drinking and being drunks and that hides all the great achievements they have made, and that one little thing you do wrong can destroy everything good you have done.

9) He is worried that the ghost isn't actually King Hamlet and that it's the devil and he will drive Hamlet into madness.

10) He tells them to let go of him and if holds him back he will kill them.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hamlet Words

An apparition appeared while the man was sleeping.

Jim was sent to the principal’s office for the calumnious comments he made about the school.

The basketball canon stats you cannot run with the basketball.

The girl’s caluntenance brought tears to everyone’s eyes.

The discourse between the girls was mean.

The fire alarm is imminent.

The boy took a perilous jump off the rock into the ocean.

The portentous drummer made three hundred dollars on the street.

The prodigal girl got her credit cards taken away.

The grape juice spilled all over er white shirt and it was sullied.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hamlet act 1 scene 1

1) It's created by the ghost appearing and reappearing, and them trying to figure out why they ghost is there and what he is trying to tell them, and that the ghost wont talk and is dressed in armour, the reader wants to keep reading because they also want to know why they ghost is there.

2) We find out the ghost is the dead king and get the story about him and his battle with Fortinbras, and that the ghost is dressed in armour which makes them think they will go to battle, and the ghost will also not talk to them.

3) The scene leaves off with them going to tell Hamlet about the ghost making the reader want to meet Hamlet. They also discover that the ghost will not talk to them no matter what they do, and they try to figure out why the ghost is there.

4) The mood is confusion or uncertainty, they guard don't know if the ghost is actually real or if they saw it, then they see the ghost is dressed in armour and try to figure out what that means, they are unsure through out the scene.

5) The ghost is their king and he is dressed in armour so the assume it means they will have to go to war. They are also confused because the ghost keeps appearing and disappearing.

6)He thinks the king comes back to warn them, young Fotinbras wants revenge on the land they lost.

7) Barnado, Francisco, Horatio, Hamlet's ghost, and Marcellus.

8) He says that there is a battle between King Hamlet and King Fortinbras and they are enemies.

9) He is the son of old Fortinbras and is in the same situation as Hamlet.

10) He says that the ghost is something to worry about because before Julius Cesar died ghost started flying around talking gibberish, and there were threatening sign from the sun and the moon's eclipse, they are also seeing signs like that so the should be worried.

11) Horatio is a scholar and he also believes the ghost is not real, but Marcellus and Barnardo believes the ghost is real.

12) He is present because he is a scholar and they think only someone smart can talk to a ghost.

13) We fin out that the feud between old King Hamlet and Fortinbras represents a feud between Denmark and Norway.