Thursday, October 14, 2010

Beowulf part 3 Questions

1) I don't think Beowulf is a good king because he is to worried about himself rather then his people. Beowulf didn't realize he left his country vulnerable and weak because he didn't spend time training his army, instead he decided to fight the dragon by himself at the age of around 90.

2) I think the most important part of part three is Beowulf's Death. It shows how all he wanted was glory, He dies fighting the dragon by himself at a very old age, he leaves his country weak and vulnerable because he didn't train his warriors and he left someone with no experience and has had no chance to prove himself as the king. When Beowulf dies he still wanted glory at his funeral with the treasure.

3)The most interesting part of Beowulf is all the symbols and allusion to Christianity when this is a pegan story. Like when Beowulf was giving the speech about warriors and saying how god would want you to suck it up and be a man, when that is not christian at all.

4) The Dragon symbolizes death and evil. The Dragon is also Beowulf's tragic downfall, because him dying left his country vulnerably and it showed how bad of a king Beowulf was.


  1. Kaylie - I've given you some credit on this, but it is a little late.

  2. yeah i know and im sorry, i forgot to do it and i saw in the grade book i didn't do it. Sorry it was late
