1) In Death of the Conchobhar everyone is Paganism besides Chochobhar and Morann, Once Chochobhar heard Jesus was crucified by the Jews he says "a thousand armed men shall fall at my hand in rescuing Jesus." and then he cut down a big part of the forest to get revenge on the Jews. Then at the end Meis-Geghra's brain sprang out of his head, and his brains fell out and he died.
2) Conchobhar is more worried about his appearance to others then he is about protecting his country. He likes to be the center of attention and is very full of himself.
3) No, he was to worried about his appearance he didn't worry about his own country.
4) There was no loyalty, like when Cet threw the brain of Meis-Geghra at Conchobhar and killed him. Everyone wanted to be the center of attention, they didn't plan things out all the way, they went to war very easily without much thought, they all believed in some kind of religion.
5) A worrior they killed in combat and used his brain to make a hardball.
6) Cet talked to the women of Connaught about how handsome Cochobhar was and convinced them to get Cochobhar to come outside so they could look at him.
Good answers! Well done.